I'm trying to deploy a project on a server using Appveyor agent. However, If I donot not restart or stop application before deployment, it do not works.
Web Deploy cannot modify the file 'TestProject.Application.dll' on the destination because it is locked by an external process. In order to allow the publish operation to succeed, you may need to either restart your application to release the lock, or use the AppOffline rule handler for .Net applications on your next publish attempt. Learn more at: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=221672#ERROR_FILE_IN_USE.
Is there an easy way to work with an app_offline.htm file? appveyor.yml configuration using the "app_offline" feature do not work in this kind of environment.
I was looking for something in the "before/after" section. Here's my appveyor.yml:
version: '1.0.{build}'
os: Visual Studio 2015
- "SET PATH=C:\\Program Files\\dotnet\\bin;%PATH%"
- master
patch: true
file: '**\AssemblyInfo.*'
assembly_version: '{version}'
assembly_file_version: '{version}'
assembly_informational_version: '{version}'
- nuget sources add -name "VNext" -source https://dotnet.myget.org/F/cli-deps/api/v3/index.json
- nuget sources add -name "nugetv3" -source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
- dotnet restore
- dotnet build */*/project.json
- ps: Remove-Item -Path src\TestProject.Web\web.config
- ps: Move-Item -Path src\TestProject.Web\web.$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH.config -Destination src\TestProject.Web\web.config
- dotnet publish src\TestProject.Web\ --output %appveyor_build_folder%\publish
- path: .\publish
name: TestProject.Web
test: off
- provider: Environment
name: east-webhost
artifact: TestProject.Web
remove_files: false
branch: master
Please look at before/after deploy scripts. Also check this sample on how you can ensure that file released.