I have VST with MultiSelect option enabled. How can I retrieve the list of selected nodes in VirtualStringTree when the selection changes via keyboard events?
I tried using the below code in the OnFocusChanged event
procedure TForm1.UpdateSelection(VST: TVirtualStringTree);
NodeArray: TNodeArray;
NodeData: PNodeData;
I: Integer;
NodeArray := VST.GetSortedSelection(False);
For I := Low(NodeArray) to High(NodeArray) do
NodeData := VST.GetNodeData(NodeArray[I]);
procedure TForm1.VST1FocusChanged(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode;
Column: TColumnIndex);
This works fine if I use the mouse and shift key, however, if I use the keyboard, i.e select node, then press shift and then down arrow to select multiple nodes, the selection returns the full list - 1.
This seems like a bug? Any ideas on how to get the full selection when using the keyboard?
I can also reproduce this behavior (D5, VT ver 4.5.5). looks like a bug to me, and I'll explain why:
Seems like the keyboard event(s) calls FocusChanged
but does not change the internal FSelectedCount
at the moment FocusChanged
event is triggered. if you look at the code of GetSortedSelection
, the first line is SetLength(Result, FSelectionCount);
and if you test VST1.SelectionCount
property it is set to the actual selection count - 1 (as you describe) or if you press SHIFT-END the previous value remains.
I have never noticed this in my own app because I use a delayed action via PostMessage
in this specific event. this results the correct internals when the event handler exits. this could be one solution.
However, the proper solution which I believe is the correct way, is to handle the selection in the OnChange
event handler - the selection could be change regardless of a focus node change.