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Django Rest Auth custom reset password confirm url

With django-rest-framework, when you post a reset password (rest-auth/password/reset/), there is an email send to the user email. This email contains a confirmation URL. I would like to change this url because I'm on a REST app case, I want this email to point on my frontend instead of the django backend.

With the confirmation email case, I had to override get_email_confirmation_url method from the AccountAdapter. But with the reset password case, I have no clue how to do it (there is no method in the adapter about reseting password).

Any idea?


  • I did it with templatetags:

    My templatetags file (e.g.

    from django import template
    from django.conf import settings
    register = template.Library()
    def get_settings_var(name):
        return getattr(settings, name)

    My variable in my

    FRONTEND_URL = 'http://localhost:4200/'
    ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM = FRONTEND_URL + 'password-reset/confirm/'

    Usage in my password_reset_email.html:

    {% load settings_vars %}
    {% trans "Please go to the following page and choose a new password:" %}
    {% block reset_link %}
    {% get_settings_var 'ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_RESET_CONFIRM' %}?uidb64={{ uid }}&token={{ token }}
    {% endblock %}

    If someone know a better solution feel free to comment.

    Hope it can helps someone.