I am trying to use spring aop to intercept my jersey resource methods. I want to implement api versioning, where I transform the request to the latest version, do some work in the resource method, and then transform the response to the requested api version.
I am using spring and jersey currently. I tried to use spring aop to intercept the jersey resource methods, and at first glance it appeared to be working. However, I noticed 1 problem.
Anything injected into the RootResource class via jersey (Ex. @Context HttpHeaders) is null when using spring aop. It is null both in the advice method as well as the resource method. When I disable aop, the properties are injected properly and accessible in the resource method.
Any ideas on what is happening and how to fix it?
RootResource class:
public class RestService extends BaseService {
RestService(MyClass myclass) {
public Integer get(@PathParam("param1") Integer param1) {
// I can access myClass fine, but headers and context are null!
return param1;
BaseService class:
public abstract class BaseService {
public HttpHeaders headers;
protected ServletContext context;
protected MyClass myClass;
BaseService(MyClass myClass) {
this.myClass = myClass;
spring aop interceptor:
public class Test {
@Around("execution(* biocode.fims.rest.services..*.*(..))")
public Object transformRequest(ProceedingJoinPoint jp) throws Throwable {
BaseService baseService = (BaseService) jp.getTarget();
I can access myClass fine, but headers and context are null;
Object val = jp.proceed();
return val;
okay, so it looks like this is a bug in jersey-spring3. Issue
There is a pr to fix this, but with no comments. I'm trying to get this merged. Github PR