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Reducing the complexity of an o(n^3) c++ code

I would like to reduce the complexity of the following algorithm. Basically, it takes a word as an input and calculates the number of unique letters within it (the "entropy" of the word). My current solution employs 3 embedded for loops, which comes out to a complexity of o(n^3). Since this code is part of a bigger project (we built a solver for the game known as boggle), I was hoping to reduce the complexity of my algorithm in order to reduce its execution time. Thanks in advance!

int wordEntropy(string word)

int length = word.length();
int uniquewords = length;
string compare = word;
char save[17];
int cond=0;

for (int ii=0; ii < length; ii++)

    for (int jj=ii+1; jj < length; jj++)
        for (int kk=0; kk<= ii; kk++)
            if (save[kk] == word[ii]) {cond++;}
        if (word[ii] == word[jj])
            if (cond>0) {break;}

    save[ii] = word[ii];
    cond = 0;

return uniquewords;


  • If this is really about performance, depending on the range of valid characters something like this may be faster:

    std::size_t wordEntropy( const std::string & word )
        unsigned char seen[256] = { 0 };
        for( unsigned char c : word )
            ++seen[ c ];
        return std::count_if( & seen[0], & seen[ 0 ] + 256,
                              []( unsigned char c ) { return c != 0; } );

    But obviously, this is a little bit harder to maintain. This solution has guaranteed complexity of O(n) and it does not make any dynamic memory allocations.

    Alternative version that does not have problems if a character occurs more than 255 times:

    std::size_t wordEntropy( const std::string & word )
        bool seen[256] = { false };
        for( unsigned char c : word )
            seen[ c ] = true;
        return std::count_if( & seen[0], & seen[ 0 ] + 256,
                              []( bool t ) { return t; } );