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How can i understand this Traversable implementation for lists

I'm having trouble to understand the following example from the NICTA course:

instance Traversable List where
    traverse ::
        Applicative f =>
        (a -> f b)
        -> List a
        -> f (List b)
    traverse f =
        foldRight (\a b -> (:.) <$> f a <*> b) (pure Nil)

In what follows, I will replace List with [], so we have:

instance Traversable [] where
    traverse ::
        Applicative f =>
        (a -> f b)
        -> [a]
        -> f ([b])
    traverse f =
        foldRight (\a b -> (:) <$> f a <*> b) []

In particular, what's wrong with the following derivation of the type of (<*>)?

(:)    :: a -> [a] -> [a]
(<$>)   :: a -> b -> F a -> F b,   F for Functor


(:) <$>  :: F a -> F ([a] -> [a])
f      :: a -> A b :: ((->) a) (A b),    A for Applicative


(:) <$> f :: ((->) a) ([a] -> [a])
(:) <$> f a  :: [a] -> [a]
(<*>) :: A (a -> b) -> A a -> A b


  • what's wrong with the following derivation?

    The problem is with this passage:

    (:) <$> f :: ((->) a) ([a] -> [a])

    Function application always has precedence over any operator, and so (:) <$> f a is not ((:) <$> f) a, as in your derivation, but (:) <$> (f a). The rest follows smoothly (you may want to try finishing it yourself before reading the solution below):

    (:) <$>     :: F a -> F ([a] -> [a]) -- The third line of your derivation.
    f           :: a -> A b
    f a         :: A b
    (:) <$> f a :: A ([b] -> [b])
    (<*>)             :: A (a -> b) -> A a -> A b
    (:) <$> f a       :: A ([b] -> [b])
    (:) <$> f a <*>   :: A [b] -> A [b]
    b                 :: A [b]
    (:) <$> f a <*> b :: A [b]