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iPhone timeIntervalSinceDate not throwing error, or working

I'm trying to find the difference between two NSDates. This worked once and printed the difference, but has never worked again. I don't remember changing any thing after the one time it worked. Any ideas? Oh, and it doesn't throw an error, and if I comment out this snippet everything works.

    //----------- Touches Begin
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    touchBegins = [NSDate date];
    NSLog (@"       Tap: %d ", tapTotal);
    NSLog (@"<=========================>");
    NSLog (@"Method: touchesBegines & Ends");
    NSLog (@"   Touch Begin: %@", touchBegins);
    // [self updateLabelsFromTouches:touches];

//----------- Touches End
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    touchEnds = [NSDate date];
    NSLog (@"   Touch Ends : %@", touchEnds );
    @try {
        NSLog(@"%@", touchEnds);
        NSTimeInterval elapsed = [touchEnds timeIntervalSinceDate:touchBegins];
    NSLog (@"   Finger Down:  %f", elapsed);
    } @catch (NSException *ex) {}

    NSLog (@" ");

    [self updateLabelsFromTouches:touches];


  [Session started at 2010-10-27 10:27:18 -0400.]
       Tap: 0 
 Method: touchesBegines & Ends
 Touch Begin: 2010-10-27 14:27:22 GMT
 Touch Ends : 2010-10-27 14:27:22 GMT


  • EDIT: Looking at the extra code you have added, you're not retaining touchBegins. Try this :

    [[NSDate date] retain];

    I'm surprised it's not just crashing when you call timeIntervalSinceDate :) - in fact, it is but you're catching the exception and then ignoring it!

    You should add some exception logging in your @catch; just this should do it :

    } @catch (NSException *ex) {
        NSLog(@"Exception getting time interval : %@", ex);

    You might see a log message that says something like 'unrecognized selector' - you'll certainly see something interesting I'll bet!

    Have a look at this :

    %d is an integer - try %f :)