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Plesk firewall rule not working correctly

If got a VPS running with PLESK (12.5). If got the firewall (virtuozzo) running on PLESK

Unfortunately my ISP only has dynamic IP, which forces me to open a CIDR range to get in PLESK, SSH and FTP.

This is my firewall config in PLESK enter image description here

I've got 3 ranges, the first is from my workplace, the other two are ranges from my ISP. My current IP matches the first ISP range. Via my IPS I CAN get into SSH en FTP, but access is denied for the PLESK admin panel: "Error: Access for administrator from address '' is restricted in accordance with IP Access restriction policy currently applied." from my workplace I can enter the admin panel.

I have no idea why this isn't working? The rules are also correct in /usr/local/psa/var/modules/firewall/ so plesk does write the config file.


  • This message: "Access for administrator from address" is from Plesk's "Administrator access restriction". It's a separate feature and has no takes in account firewall rules:

    Plesk restrict access policy

    Plesk restrict access admin

    I've not found CLI which controls this settings, but in database there are:

    # mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -Dpsa -e "select * from misc where param='access_policy'"
    | param         | val  |
    | access_policy | deny |
    # mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` -Dpsa -e "select * from cp_access"
    | id | type | netaddr  | netmask   |
    |  4 | deny | | |

    "deny" policy means "Deny all except listed".