I'm developing a symfony application with docker. I' sharing a host volume which it's supposed to contain my project that should be run with apache.
docker run -d -ti --name web -p 80:80 -v /Users/Matteo/Documents/em3:/var/www/html/applications ubuntu /bin/bash
As a base image I've used ubuntu, on which I've installed apache and PHP7. Everything works, but when I enter into my docker:
docker exec -it web /bin/bash
root@85a23559d01b:/var/www/html/applications/auth# app/console cache:clear --env=dev
Failed to remove directory "/var/www/html/applications/auth/app/cache/de~/jms_serializer": .
This is maybe because the dir permissions?:
root@85a23559d01b:/var/www/html/applications/auth/app# ls -al | grep cache
drwxr-xr-x 1 1000 staff 374 Oct 30 21:50 cache
does no change anything though:
root@85a23559d01b:/var/www/html/applications/auth/app# chmod g+w cache
root@85a23559d01b:/var/www/html/applications/auth/app# ls -al | grep cache
drwxr-xr-x 1 1000 staff 374 Oct 30 21:50 cache
I guess I'm missing something. Any help would be appreciated
As commented in symfony issue 2600
you can "easily" reproduce this if you use a Linux VirtualBox on a Windows host.
[And that might be the case here, using boot2docker
from Docker Toolbox, instead of Docker for Windows and its Hyper-V]
is never able to removeapp/cache/dev_old
- but that may be an issue with the shared folder system provided by VirtualBox (read about similar issues on their forums).You have to upgrade VirtualBox Guest Additions
The OP Bertuz points out in the comments to "Changing boot2docker to use NFS for local mounts in OS X" and its file-nfs-mount-boot2docker-sh gist (and a more recent one).