I have a basic code from the Imgur library in Python; basically it's just a gallery search asking for 'Dog' pics in the Imgur gallery but I only want one result; the first one but I can't do it because when I use indexing to do that I get an error.
TypeError: 'Gallery_album' object does not support indexing
This is the code I have; it's just the basic code
imgur = pyimgur.Imgur(client_id, client_secret)
items = imgur.search_gallery('dog')
for item in items:
I'm wondering if that's the way the API behaves or I can do something else to just get one result? As default I get like 20 results and I don't want that. Thanks for any help.
Looking at gallery_search method (https://github.com/Imgur/imgurpython/blob/master/imgurpython/client.py ), it seems to return the search result as a list for a given page (which contains that x number of result of GalleryImage/GalleryAlbum).
So it seems you have to post-process that list to retrieve a single link for a GalleryImage.
res = [ item for item in imgur.search_gallery('dog') if isinstance(item, GalleryImage) ]
if res:
link = res[0].link