I'm building a simple ftp which allows the user to ask basic commands of a unix server (eg: cd home/file/
) and upload files to the server and download files from the server. I have gotten the basic commands to work and print between client and server, but copying files that aren't text is a challenge.
My current code for the get
function is as follows:
else if (strcmp(tokens[0], "get") == 0) {
char *filecpy = convertfile("mtg.jpg");
printf("%s .... %d\n", filecpy, strlen(filecpy));
char *convertfile(const char *filename) {
FILE *fileptr;
char *buffer;
long filen;
size_t result;
fileptr = fopen(filename, "rb");
fseek(fileptr, 0, SEEK_END);
filen = ftell(fileptr);
printf("File size: %d\n", filen);
buffer = (char *)malloc(filen + 1); // this is only allocating 8bytes
fread(buffer,filen, 1,fileptr);
printf("Buffer: %s\n", buffer);
char *c;
char *buffer;
fileptr = fopen(filename, "rb");
while (c != EOF) {
fread(&c, (size_t)1, (size_t)1, fileptr);
c = fgetc(fileptr);
sprintf(buffer[strlen(buffer)], "%c", c);
return buffer;
//convert bytes to file
void convertbytes(const char *buffer, const char *filename) {
FILE *fileptr;
printf("%s .... %d\n", buffer, strlen(buffer));
fileptr = fopen(filename, "wb");
//for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(buffer); i++) {
fwrite(buffer, 1, strlen(buffer), fileptr);
//printf("%c :: %d\n", buffer[i], i);
Right now, I'm only trying to copy the files correctly, so no sending over to server yet. With this code, I can copy text files fine, but another file, such as a .o file containing 6.0kb, will be copied with 8 bytes. I'm attempting to convert the file to bytes (ready to send somewhere) and then building a file from bytes. Am I approaching this wrong? Should I be using other means to do this? What is the correct way of build a simple FTP?
This is because your buffer is filled with binary data.
Binary data can contain a null character (\0, or 0x00), and it is not compatible with strlen
, since strlen
will stop at the first null character.
You can try something like that to return the actual lenght of the file:
struct buffer {
char *buffer;
size_t filelen;
struct buffer *convertfile(const char *filename)
struct buffer * filecpy = convertfile("mtg.jpg");
printf("%.*s .... %d\n",filecpy.filelen, filecpy.buffer, filecpy.filelen);