I am facing interesting problem. I have launched an ec2 instance which is ubuntu 14.04. I can ssh into it by providing key file like below.
ssh -i "xxxxx.pem" ubuntu@xxxxxxxxxxxx.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com
But I thought of making another account in instance rather than using ubuntu(root) always which is not safe. So I have created another account on my name in server. And for more security I thought of creating private(id_rsa
) and public(id_rsa.pub
) key files. And put the public key in server .ssh/authorized_keys
and I should be able to ssh from my new account from my local machine. Which is also worked. now I can ssh into server like below.
ssh naroju@XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com
Now the problem comes. Although I can ssh into to it from my new account, I cannot ssh into server from my ubuntu(root) account. It gives below error.
Permission denied (publickey).
file of AWS) ? To create a new user (eg naroju
) on the instance, you should create a .ssh/authorized_keys
file in the new user's home directory:
$ sudo adduser naroju
$ sudo su - naroju
$ mkdir .ssh
$ chmod 700 .ssh
$ touch .ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Then, edit the authorized_keys
file and add the public key.
You can then login to the new user:
$ ssh -i naroju.pem naroju@IPADDRESS
Since you have modified the public key in the ubuntu
user's home directory, you will need to login as ubuntu
using the private half of the keypair you selected. You can then run the above commands.
See Amazon EC2 documentation: Managing User Accounts on Your Linux Instance