I was trying to use the union operator like as show below
uni_b = UNION A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;
here all the relations A,B,C...H are having same schema
when ever I am using the dump operator, till 85% it running fine.. after that it is showing the following error..
ERROR 1066: Unable to open iterator for alias uni_b
what is this? where is the problem? how should I debug?
this is my pig script...
ip = load '/jee/jee_data.txt' USING PigStorage(',') as (id:Biginteger, fname:chararray , lname:chararray , board:chararray , eid:chararray , gender:chararray , math:double , phy:double , chem:double , jeem:double , jeep:double , jeec:double ,cat:chararray , dob:chararray);
todate_ip = foreach ip generate id, fname , lname , board , eid , gender , math , phy , chem , jeem , jeep , jeec , cat , ToDate(dob,'dd/MM/yyyy') as dob;
jnbresult1 = foreach todate_ip generate id, fname , lname , board , eid , gender , math , phy , chem , jeem , jeep , jeec, ROUND_TO(AVG(TOBAG( math , phy , chem )),3) as bresult, ROUND_TO(SUM(TOBAG(jeem , jeep , jeec )),3) as jresult , cat , dob;
rankjnbres = rank jnbresult1 by jresult DESC , bresult DESC , jeem DESC, math DESC, jeep DESC, phy DESC, jeec DESC, chem DESC, gender ASC, dob ASC, fname ASC, lname ASC DENSE;
rankjnbres1 = rank jnbresult1 by bresult DESC , jeem DESC, math DESC, jeep DESC, phy DESC, jeec DESC, chem DESC, gender ASC, dob ASC, fname ASC, lname ASC DENSE;
allper = foreach rankjnbres generate id, rank_jnbresult1 , fname , lname , board , eid , gender , math , phy , chem , jeem , jeep , jeec, bresult, jresult , cat , dob , ROUND_TO(((double)((10000-rank_jnbresult1)/100.000)),3) as aper;
allper1 = foreach rankjnbres1 generate id, rank_jnbresult1 , fname , lname , board , eid , gender , math , phy , chem , jeem , jeep , jeec, bresult, jresult , cat , dob , ROUND_TO(((double)((10000-rank_jnbresult1)/100.000)),3) as a1per;
SPLIT allper into cbseB if board=='CBSE', anbB if board=='Andhra Pradesh', apB if board=='Arunachal Pradesh', bhB if board=='Bihar', gjB if board=='Gujarat' , jnkB if board=='Jammu and Kashmir', mpB if board=='Madhya Pradesh', mhB if board=='Maharashtra', rjB if board=='Rajasthan' , ngB if board=='Nagaland' , tnB if board=='Tamil Nadu' , wbB if board=='West Bengal' , upB if board=='Uttar Pradesh';
rankcbseB = rank cbseB by jresult DESC , bresult DESC , jeem DESC, math DESC, jeep DESC, phy DESC, jeec DESC, chem DESC, gender ASC, dob ASC, fname ASC, lname ASC DENSE;
grp = group rankcbseB all;
maxno = foreach grp generate MAX(rankcbseB.rank_cbseB) as max1;
cbseper = foreach rankcbseB generate id, rank_cbseB , fname , lname , board , eid , gender , math , phy , chem , jeem , jeep , jeec, bresult, jresult , cat , dob , ROUND_TO(((double)((maxno.max1-rank_cbseB)*100.000/maxno.max1)),3) as per , aper;
rankBcbseB = rank cbseB by bresult DESC , jeem DESC, math DESC, jeep DESC, phy DESC, jeec DESC, chem DESC, gender ASC, dob ASC, fname ASC, lname ASC DENSE;
grp = group rankBcbseB all;
maxno = foreach grp generate MAX(rankBcbseB.rank_cbseB) as max1;
Bcbseper = foreach rankBcbseB generate id, rank_cbseB , fname , lname , board , eid , gender , math , phy , chem , jeem , jeep , jeec, bresult, jresult , cat , dob , ROUND_TO(((double)((maxno.max1-rank_cbseB)*100.000/maxno.max1)),3) as bper , aper;
rankanbB = rank anbB by jresult DESC , bresult DESC , jeem DESC, math DESC, jeep DESC, phy DESC, jeec DESC, chem DESC, gender ASC, dob ASC, fname ASC, lname ASC DENSE;
grp = group rankanbB all;
maxno = foreach grp generate MAX(rankanbB.rank_anbB) as max1;
anbper = foreach rankanbB generate id, rank_anbB , fname , lname , board , eid , gender , math , phy , chem , jeem , jeep , jeec, bresult,jresult , cat , dob , ROUND_TO(((double)((maxno.max1-rank_anbB)*100.000/maxno.max1)),3) as per , aper;
rankBanbB = rank anbB by bresult DESC , jeem DESC, math DESC, jeep DESC, phy DESC, jeec DESC, chem DESC, gender ASC, dob ASC, fname ASC, lname ASC DENSE;
grp = group rankBanbB all;
maxno = foreach grp generate MAX(rankBanbB.rank_anbB) as max1;
Banbper = foreach rankanbB generate id, rank_anbB , fname , lname , board , eid , gender , math , phy , chem , jeem , jeep , jeec, bresult, jresult , cat , dob , ROUND_TO(((double)((maxno.max1-rank_anbB)*100.000/maxno.max1)),3) as bper , aper;
joinall = join cbseper by (per) , Bcbseper by (bper) ;
joinall = foreach joinall generate Bcbseper::id as id,cbseper::jresult as b1;
A = cross Bcbseper , allper;
A1 = foreach A generate Bcbseper::id as id,Bcbseper::rank_cbseB as rank,Bcbseper::fname as fname,Bcbseper::lname as lname,Bcbseper::board as board,Bcbseper::eid as eid ,Bcbseper::gender as gender, Bcbseper::bresult as bresult,Bcbseper::jresult as jresult,Bcbseper::cat as cat,Bcbseper::dob as dob,Bcbseper::bper as bper,Bcbseper::aper as aper,allper::jresult as b2,allper::aper as a1per;
B = filter A1 by bper > a1per;
C = group B by id;
Dcbse = foreach C {
E = order B by a1per DESC;
F = limit E 1;
generate FLATTEN(F.id) , FLATTEN(F.b2);
joincbse = join joinall by id , Dcbse by id;
joincbse = foreach joincbse generate joinall::id as id , joinall::b1 as b1, Dcbse::null::b2 as b2;
joinall = join anbper by (per) , Banbper by (bper) ;
joinall = foreach joinall generate Banbper::id as id,anbper::jresult as b1;
A = cross Banbper , allper;
A1 = foreach A generate Banbper::id as id,Banbper::rank_anbB as rank,Banbper::fname as fname,Banbper::lname as lname,Banbper::board as board,Banbper::eid as eid ,Banbper::gender as gender, Banbper::bresult as bresult,Banbper::jresult as jresult,Banbper::cat as cat,Banbper::dob as dob,Banbper::bper as bper,Banbper::aper as aper,allper::jresult as b2,allper::aper as a1per;
B = filter A1 by bper > a1per;
C = group B by id;
Danb = foreach C {
E = order B by a1per DESC;
F = limit E 1;
generate FLATTEN(F.id) , FLATTEN(F.b2);
joinanb = join joinall by id , Danb by id;
joinanb = foreach joinanb generate joinall::id as id , joinall::b1 as b1, Danb::null::b2 as b2;
uni_b = UNION joincbse , joinanb ;
I got the solution to this. What is did was the following...
First i stored all the relations A, B, C, .... using store operation as follows
STORE A into into '/opA/' using PigStorage(',');
Then, I Loaded the input for all the relation using load operation as follows
ipA = load '/opA/part-r-00000' USING PigStorage (',') as (id:Biginteger, b1: double, b2: double);
And at last I did the union using the union operation as follows
uni_b = UNION ipA ,ipB ,ipC , ipD ,ipE ;
I got the answer without any error.