I have this code that will perform Gaussian filter (Low Pass filter) on an image. However, this filter only works on Grey scale image. How can I improve it so it can work on a coloured image? I know there are many built-in functions but I am new to image processing and I'm trying to learn the basics.
%Read an Image
Img = imread('peppers.png');
Im = rgb2gray(Img);
I = double(Im);
%Design the Gaussian Kernel
%Standard Deviation
sigma = 1.76;
%Window size
sz = 4;
M = size(x,1)-1;
N = size(y,1)-1;
Exp_comp = -(x.^2+y.^2)/(2*sigma*sigma);
Kernel= exp(Exp_comp)/(2*pi*sigma*sigma);
%Pad the vector with zeros
I = padarray(I,[sz sz]);
for i = 1:size(I,1)-M
for j =1:size(I,2)-N
Temp = I(i:i+M,j:j+M).*Kernel;
%Image without Noise after Gaussian blur
Output = uint8(Output);
A RGB image is made up of Red, Green, Blue color channels. To perform image processing on RGB image
reconstuct the image from modified R,G,B
img = imread('peppers.png');
R = img(:,:,1); %get the Red part
G = img(:,:,2); %get the Blue part
B = img(:,:,3); %get the Green part
R_gaussian = gaussianFilter(R); %write your own function name
G_gaussian = gaussianFilter(G); %or repeat the code by REPLACING I as
B_gaussian = gaussianFilter(B); %Red Green Blue components
RGB_gaussian = cat(3,R_gaussian, G_gaussian, B_gaussian); %merging the components
%since you are learning you can do this for better unedrstanding
RGB_gaussian = zeros(size(img)); %make a matrix of size of original image
RGB_gaussian(:,:,1)=R_gaussian; % Replace the values
for more info this can be helpful: http://www.bogotobogo.com/Matlab/Matlab_Tutorial_Digital_Image_Processing_6_Filter_Smoothing_Low_Pass_fspecial_filter2.php