I am trying to speed up my current implementation of a function that converts [UInt32] to a [UInt8] which in turn is split up into [[UInt8]] with 6 arrays at each index.
My implementation:
extension Array {
func splitBy(subSize: Int) -> [[Element]] {
return 0.stride(to: self.count, by: subSize).map { startIndex in
let endIndex = startIndex.advancedBy(subSize, limit: self.count)
return Array(self[startIndex ..< endIndex])
func convertWordToBytes(fullW : [UInt32]) -> [[UInt8]] {
var combined8 = [UInt8]()
//Convert 17 [UInt32] to 68 [UInt8]
for i in 0...16{
_ = 24.stride(through: 0, by: -8).map {
combined8.append(UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: fullW[i] >> UInt32($0)))
//Split [UInt8] to [[UInt8]] with 6 values at each index.
let combined48 = combined8.splitBy(6)
return combined48
This function will be iterated millions of times in my program and its speed is a huge burden.
Anyone got any ideas? Thanks
If you profile (Cmd + I
) your code, you will see that most of the time is on various "copy to buffer" functions. This happens when you append a new element to the array but it has run out of its initial allocated space so it must be moved to a location on the heap with more memory. Morals of the lesson: heap allocation is slow but unavoidable with arrays. Do it as few times as possible.
Try this:
func convertWordToBytes2(fullW: [UInt32]) -> [[UInt8]] {
let subSize = 6
// We allocate the array only once per run since allocation is so slow
// There will only be assignment to it after
var combined48 = [UInt8](count: fullW.count * 4, repeatedValue: 0).splitBy(subSize)
var row = 0
var col = 0
for i in 0...16 {
for j in 24.stride(through: 0, by: -8) {
let value = UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: fullW[i] >> UInt32(j))
combined48[row][col] = value
col += 1
if col >= subSize {
row += 1
col = 0
return combined48
Benchmark code:
let testCases = (0..<1_000_000).map { _ in
(0..<17).map { _ in arc4random() }
testCases.forEach {
Result (on my 2012 iMac)
Weight Self Weight Symbol Name
9.35 s 53.2% 412.00 ms specialized convertWordToBytes([UInt32]) -> [[UInt8]]
3.28 s 18.6% 344.00 ms specialized convertWordToBytes2([UInt32]) -> [[UInt8]]
By eliminating multiple allocations, we already reduced the run time by 60%. But each test case is independent, which lends itself perfectly to parallel processing with today's multi-core CPU. A modified loop...:
dispatch_apply(testCases.count, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0)) { i in
... will shave about 1 second off the wall time when executed on my quad-core i7 with 8 threads:
Weight Self Weight Symbol Name
2.28 s 6.4% 0 s _dispatch_worker_thread3 0x58467
2.24 s 6.3% 0 s _dispatch_worker_thread3 0x58463
2.22 s 6.2% 0 s _dispatch_worker_thread3 0x58464
2.21 s 6.2% 0 s _dispatch_worker_thread3 0x58466
2.21 s 6.2% 0 s _dispatch_worker_thread3 0x58465
2.21 s 6.2% 0 s _dispatch_worker_thread3 0x58461
2.18 s 6.1% 0 s _dispatch_worker_thread3 0x58462
The time saving is not as much as I hoped for. Apparently there's some contention when accessing the heap memory. For anything even faster, you should explore a C-based solution.