I have no idea what I have done here, but I have attempted to get one controller in Rails to queue a job onto Resque, which then a worker connects to and does the heavy lifting (I.E. comparisons, database entries).
However, the tasks are not even running, since there are no clear instructions for setting Resque up.
Copy and paste's below:
Also available in Gist format!
This is the exception line from Hoptoad:
NoMethodError: undefined method 'perform' for Violateq:Module
This is the contents of the "worker" file:
module Violateq
@queue = :violateq
def perform(nick, rulenumber)
# Working for the weekend!!!
puts "I got a nick of #{nick} and they broke #{rulenumber}"
@violation = Violation.new(nick, rulenumber)
puts "If you got this far, your OK"
log_in(:worker_log, {:action => "Violate d=perfom", :nick => nick, :rulenumber => rulenumber, :status => "success"})
#rescue => ex
# notify_hoptoad(ex)
# log_in(:worker_log, {:action => "Violate d=perfom", :nick => nick, :rulenumber => rulenumber, :status => "failure"})
This is the contents of the "web_controller" file:
class IncomingController < ApplicationController
require 'mail'
skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
def create
message = Mail.new(params[:message])
# Push the message into the queue
Resque.enqueue(Violateq, message.from.to_s, message.subject.to_s)
log_in(:endpoint_log, {:action => "IncomingController d=create", :subject => message.subject, :message => message.body.decoded})
render :text => 'success', :status => 200 # a status of 404 would reject the mail
rescue => ex
render :text => 'failure', :status => 500
Thank you very much for your time, and if you would like any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me,
Luke Carpenter
Changed def perform
to def self.perform
Then it worked
Luke Carpenter