I am trying to reverse the y axis and set range for both x and y in a Bokeh scatter plot. I am using:
BokehPlot.bokeh_scatter(data=df, x_range=(min_utc, max_utc), y_range=(min_val, max_val))
I get an error:
TypeError: bokeh_scatter() got an unexpected keyword argument 'x_range'
Any idea how axes can be reversed in a Bokeh scatterplot with a pandas dataframe input
The following will flip the y-axis for a scatter plot.
p = figure()
xmin = data[xval].min()
xmax = data[xval].max()
ymin = data[yval].min()
ymax = data[yval].max()
# Note that ymin and ymax are in reverse order in y_range.
p.scatter(xval, yval, x_range=(xmin, xmax), y_range=(ymax, ymin))