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Querying a collection with an array of mongoID

I have the following code:

// company_ids is an array of mongo IDs
// company_id is an array (with only 1 element) of mongo ID
foreach($company_ids as $company_id){
    $results = Archive::where("", 'all', array($company_id))->get();

Here is the output of Log::info(print_r($company_ids, true))

[2016-10-22 02:41:27] production.INFO: Array
    [0] => 57515764b91a8c4d008b45d1
    [1] => 57515764b91a8c4d008b45d6
    [2] => 57515764b91a8c4d008b45db
    [3] => 57515764b91a8c4d008b45e0

How can I query the Archive collection directly using company_ids and removing the need for the foreach loop?


  • A small update in @Robbie answer. No need to use an array of MongoIds simply use array of string and it will work. Am using this only with laravel-jenessengers

    $company_ids = [
    $results = Archive::whereIn('', $company_ids)->get();