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Getting FLV duration with php

I have an flv file uploaded to a server. I would like to display its duration in the following format "minutes:seconds". Can anybody help me with this ?

Thank you


  • Here is my code to grab a frame and generate the image from the video...

    // get the duration and a random place within that
    $cmd = "ffmpeg -i " . $videoPath . " 2>&1";
    if (preg_match('/Duration: ((\d+):(\d+):(\d+))/s', `$cmd`, $time)) {
       $total = ($time[2] * 3600) + ($time[3] * 60) + $time[4];
       $second = rand(1, ($total - 1));
    // get the screenshot
    exec("ffmpeg -i " . $videoPath . " -deinterlace -an -ss $second -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -y -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg " . $imageOutput . " 2>&1");

    $second variable is random number between 0 and total duration. and the second exec() is to create a image file from selected frame.

    $imageOutput is absolute path location to the generated image. eg: /home/ariawan/image-generated.jpg