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Update bashrc with virtualenv info using Ansible

I have a python virtualenv running on a remote server. I am trying to update the bashrc of the remote server with the following info using Ansible.

export WORKON_HOME=~/TestEnvs
source /usr/local/bin/
workon my_virtual_env

Is there any way to accomplish this using Ansible?


    1. Use Ansible blockinfile module to maintain the lines in the .bashrc or /etc/bashrc:

      - name: Ensure virtualenv is sourced from the .bashrc
          dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.bashrc"
          block: |
            export WORKON_HOME=~/TestEnvs
            source /usr/local/bin/
            workon my_virtual_env
          marker: '# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK - virtualenv'
          insertbefore: BOF
          create: yes 
    2. Or better: create a .bashrc.d (or .bash_profile.d) directory, replace your .bashrc with a call to source all files in the directory:

      while read filename
        source "$filename"
      done < <(find -L ~/.bashrc.d -type f)

      and add the above commands as a separate file. Move other commands from the current .bashrc to another file and place it in .bashrc.d directory.

      This you can easily achieve with file and copy modules in Ansible.