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cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError) - rails c - was working 10 minutes ago

I have no Idea what has gone wrong here. rails c was working 10 minutes ago perfectly. I loaded into my production environment and for some reason the console didn't recognize one of my database tables. I exited and attempted again a few more times with no luck in getting it to recognize the table, then I try one more time and poof, no more rails c.

I have tried a few times now uninstalling bundler, my ruby version, rvm cleanup all, and more everything that shows online is not working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. ruby 2.3.1, rails 5, bundler-1.13.6


  • The answer was a rails 5 problem.

    bundle config –delete bin rails app:update:bin

    Rails 5 uses different binaries than any other rails version and thus answers for other rails versions were not giving me expected results. This command rebuilt the binary files in order for me to properly execute rails c