I'm building an application with Xamarin.Forms and a Portable Class Library. I have a tabbed page. I want to change the color of the tabbed page indicator. Changing the rest of the layout is something I already managed, the only thing I do need is to change the light blue tabbed page indicator like shown below:
I couldn't find anything that could work in Xamarin.Droid. This is the code that creates the tabbed page with content:
class TabbedPageTry : TabbedPage
public TabbedPageTry()
Title = "TabbedPage";
var myPages = new CategoryDAO().GetCategories();
foreach (var item in myPages)
Children.Add(new TabPage(item.CategoryID) { BindingContext = item });
public class TabPage : ContentPage
public TabPage(int categoryID)
Padding = new Thickness(0, Device.OnPlatform(20, 0, 0), 0, 0);
var listView = new ListView
SeparatorColor = Color.FromHex("#101010"),
ItemsSource = new CourseDAO().GetCourses(),
IsPullToRefreshEnabled = false,
BackgroundColor = Color.White,
this.SetBinding(Page.TitleProperty, "Name");
Content = listView;
Because the application is being made Visual Studio with Xamarin.Forms my question is not answered yet. All the question I found are for Android specific, this is NOT what I am looking for. What I need is the C# solution to my problem.
Thank you in advance.
If you are using AppCompat in your Android platform project, in your TabLayout axml file use the tabIndicatorColor property to do this:
app:tabIndicatorColor="#123456" />