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Defining operators including vertical bars(|) in SWI-prolog

I am trying to encode basic logical inferences in Prolog, and I want to define some custom operators to streamline the notation. It would be handy if I can type |- for ⊢. So I tried

:- op(1150, xfy, [ '|-' ]).
gamma |- a.
Gamma |- or(A,_) :- Gamma |- A.
Gamma |- or(_,A) :- Gamma |- A.

but when I try the query gamma |- or(a,X), I get the error message

ERROR: '<meta-call>'/1: Undefined procedure: gamma/0

instead of the true I expect.

The problem seems to be that the defined operator includes a vertical bar character. If I modify the knowledge base to

:- op(1150, xfy, [ imp ]).
gamma imp a.
Gamma imp or(A,_) :- Gamma imp A.
Gamma imp or(_,A) :- Gamma imp A.

Then Prolog has no problems answering the query gamma imp or(a,X). Is the vertical bar a reserved character that I'm not allowed to use in definitions? Or is there some way around this?


  • You cannot do this. Neither in ISO Prolog nor in SWI. While the vertical bar serves as an operator — provided a corresponding operator declaration is present, it cannot be used unquoted as part of an operator with a length of two or more characters. The best you can get in your situation is to declare an operator |- and use it in quoted form. In both cases below, quotes are strictly needed.

    :- op(1200, xfx, '|-').  
    a '|-' b.

    Doesn't look too attractive. Alone, as a single character, the bar serves as an infix operator.

    ?- ( a | b ) = '|'(a, b).
    ?- current_op(Pri,Fix,'|').
       Pri = 1105, Fix = xfy.

    There is another use of | as a head-tail separator in lists. Due to the restrictions to the priority the infix bar can take, there is no ambiguity between [A|As] and above use.

    Note that [a|-]. is valid Prolog text. Even gamma |- a. is valid in SWI and even valid Prolog text in ISO, provided there is an operator declaration!

    ?- write_canonical((gamma|-a)).