In Hassan Aït-Kaci's "Warren's Abstract Machine: A Tutorial Reconstruction" Section 2.2, the orders for compilation of L0 queries are clear enough: registers must be allocated with left-to-right breadth-first search and code must be generated with left-to-right post-order depth-first search.
In Section 2.3, the order for register allocation (of L0 programs) is clear: left-to-right breadth-first search. The order for code generation isn't. With the only example given, I can't tell if I should use BFS or DFS to generate code.
Can someone give me the WAM code for the following L0 program?
I put your program in
$ cat p(q(r(a)),s(b)).
Using GNU Prolog, I then did:
$ gplc -w
The following WAM instructions are then contained in sample.wbc
clause(p(q(r(a)),s(b)),[ get_structure(q/1,0), unify_structure(r/1), unify_atom(a), get_structure(s/1,1), unify_atom(b), proceed]).