I sort of painted myself in a corner and need some guidance. I'm doing some parsing using regex while reading from an infstream. What I want to do is
while(getLine(inFile, str)) {
search(str) for regex match
str = my_function(str)
outFile << str
outFile unchanged str
As it stands, I'm doing this:
while(getLine(inFile, str)) {
auto des = std::sregex_iterator(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), dest);
auto reg_it = std::sregex_iterator();
std::for_each(des , reg_it, [](std::smatch const& m){
str = my_function(str)
outFile << str
Unfortunately, this doesn't let me edit the file and write it back out in order, as the way I'm doing it only gives me access to the returned matches.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
This works:
if (std::regex_match(str.cbegin(), str.cend(), matches , my_regex)) {
string baz;
baz = my_function(str); // we have a match
outFile baz;
else outFile << str << std::endl;