I have built the example for DUnitX for Rad Studio Berlin in C++. The code is a copy of : http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Seattle/en/DUnitX_Overview
The header is:
class __declspec(delphirtti) TestCalc : public TObject
virtual void __fastcall SetUp();
virtual void __fastcall TearDown();
void __fastcall TestAdd();
void __fastcall TestSub();
TestAdd and TestSub are called because they are under __published, but SetUp and TearDown are never called. I understand that they should be called for each test. Seeing the Delphi code, I can see the [Setup] attribute but it seems that for C++ is not necessary. Am I missing something?
I have the same Problem.
As a workaround I developed a little helper class:
template <typename T>
class TestEnviroment{
TestEnviroment(T* theTest)
{ itsTest->SetUp(); }
~TestEnviroment() { itsTest->TearDown(); }
T* itsTest;
Which is the first local variable in every test case:
void __fastcall UnitTest::Test()
TestEnviroment<UnitTest> testenv{this};
// TODO Testing