I'm trying to debug why despite combining optionMaybe
with try
, parsec is consuming the input. Basically in the below code, why is the second run not returning Right "abc"
(which is what I expect)?
myParser = do
optionMaybe $ try (between (char '/') (char '/') $ many1 (noneOf "/")
many1 (noneOf "/")
I get
> parse myParser "" "/abc/def"
Right "def"
> parse myParser "" "/abc"
Left (line 1, column 5):
unexpected end of input
expecting "/"
The whole of between (char '/') (char '/') $ many1 (noneOf "/")
fails due to the missing closing '/'
in "/abc"
, and so optionMaybe $ try $ between ...
doesn't consume anything (and results in Nothing
). You're left with all of "/abc"
of the input, which of course doesn't match the remaining parser many1 (noneOf "/")