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Install Scratch 2 under Linux Ubuntu 14.04

I tried to install Scratch 2 under Linux for Education at school. I followed these good instructions to install Adobe Air - everything works fine. But if I execute the Air-Installfile for Scratch I will be asked for the root password. In the little Pop-Up-Window it's not working so I tried to start the Air-File with these:

/opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /{absolute path to downloadfolder}/Scratch.air

It works fine, but I get an error saying error that my Scratch-Install-File is broken... I re-loaded again but nothing changed. Does someone has an helpful idea?


  • Look at your file size. The download have maybe been interupted before it was complete. It happened to me so I downloaded it again with a download manager like JDownloader and installed it successfully but only with sudo

    sudo /opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer /{absolute path to downloadfolder}/Scratch.air

    The problem is that you can't launch it directly when you installed it with sudo rights. I'm looking for a solution but this is another problem.