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How to get nested-groups with regexp

I need your help with following regex. I have a text

"[Hello|Hi]. We are [inviting | calling] you at position [[junior| mid junior]|senior] developer."

using regex I want to get

[inviting | calling]
[[junior| mid junior]|senior]

the following rexeg (\[[^\[$\]\]]*\])

gives me [Hello|Hi] [inviting | calling] [junior| mid junior]

so how should I fix it to get correct output?


  • Let's define your string and import re:

    >>> s = "[Hello|Hi]. We are [inviting | calling] you at position [[junior| mid junior]|senior] developer."
    >>> import re

    Now, try:

    >>> re.findall(r'\[ (?:[^][]* \[ [^][]* \])* [^][]*  \]', s, re.X)
    ['[Hello|Hi]', '[inviting | calling]', '[[junior| mid junior]|senior]']

    In more detail

    Consider this script:

    $ cat
    import re
    s = "[Hello|Hi]. We are [inviting | calling] you at position [[junior| mid junior]|senior] developer."
    matches = re.findall(r'''\[       # Opening bracket
            (?:[^][]* \[ [^][]* \])*  # Zero or more non-bracket characters followed by a [, followed by zero or more non-bracket characters, followed by a ]
            [^][]*                    # Zero or more non-bracket characters
            \]                        # Closing bracket

    This produces the output:

    $ python
    [inviting | calling]
    [[junior| mid junior]|senior]