Suppose i have this data with cluster mapped to each row as below:
## num_voted_users num_user_for_reviews num_critic_for_reviews
## 1 886204 3054 723
## 2 471220 1238 302
## 3 275868 994 602
## 4 1144337 2701 813
## 5 8 127 37
## 6 212204 738 462
## movie_facebook_likes cast_total_facebook_likes cluster
## 1 33000 4834 1
## 2 0 48350 1
## 3 85000 11700 1
## 4 164000 106759 1
## 5 0 143 2
## 6 24000 1873 1
To get mean cluster wise i do:
a< .~ cluster, FUN=mean, data=movies.imp))
## cluster num_voted_users num_user_for_reviews num_critic_for_reviews
## 1 1 316561.46 831.60526 326.61773
## 2 2 44934.26 180.05922 109.69265
## 3 3 29020.10 80.20408 28.57143
## movie_facebook_likes cast_total_facebook_likes
## 1 33647.263 28282.450
## 2 3119.099 6641.746
## 3 6843.327 2426.755
Then i convert to long:
long_df.a <- gather(data=a, value = mean, key=variablenames, num_voted_users,num_user_for_reviews,num_critic_for_reviews,movie_facebook_likes,cast_total_facebook_likes)
long_df.a[,1]<-as.factor(long_df.a[,1]) # converting into a factor
long_df.a[,2]<-as.factor(long_df.a[,2])# converting into a factor
Then i do the same process to get median,min,max & std clusterwise
creating one dataframe of all the descriptives stats calc above
dflong<-dflong%>% set_names(c("cluster","variablenames","mean","median","min","max","sd")) # renaming the columns
## cluster variablenames mean median min max
## 1 1 num_voted_users 316561.45706 263332.5 246 1689764
## 2 2 num_voted_users 44934.26451 25256.5 5 469561
## 3 3 num_voted_users 29020.10204 9277.0 15 213483
## 4 1 num_user_for_reviews 831.60526 642.0 1 5060
## 5 2 num_user_for_reviews 180.05922 129.0 1 1690
## 6 3 num_user_for_reviews 80.20408 42.0 1 394
## sd
## 1 231350.9509
## 2 53613.7994
## 3 48491.2638
## 4 659.0410
## 5 181.3630
## 6 105.1669
dflong.1<-dflong %>% filter(cluster==1)
dflong.2<-dflong %>% filter(cluster==2)
dflong.3<-dflong %>% filter(cluster==3)
head(dflong.combined) # final required output
## cluster variablenames mean median min max
## 1 1 num_voted_users 316561.45706 263332.5 246 1689764
## 2 1 num_user_for_reviews 831.60526 642.0 1 5060
## 3 1 num_critic_for_reviews 326.61773 307.5 2 813
## 4 1 movie_facebook_likes 33647.26316 23000.0 0 349000
## 5 1 cast_total_facebook_likes 28282.45014 21095.0 44 656730
## 6 2 num_voted_users 44934.26451 25256.5 5 469561
## sd
## 1 231350.95086
## 2 659.04103
## 3 142.47953
## 4 37698.06583
## 5 37395.59205
## 6 53613.79942
So i am doing things in a non optimal way to get clusterwise summary stats....need help on how to sort of dynamically use loops or apply functions to get the final output in lesser lines of codes.....
I use the mtcars
dataset as an example. Suppose the cyl
variable is our equivalent of cluster
. You can get all your summary statistics in one line of code:
d <- mtcars
s <- d %>% group_by(cyl) %>%
summarise_all(c("mean", "median", "min", "max", "sd"))
# cyl mpg_mean disp_mean hp_mean drat_mean wt_mean qsec_mean vs_mean
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 4 26.66364 105.1364 82.63636 4.070909 2.285727 19.13727 0.9090909
# 2 6 19.74286 183.3143 122.28571 3.585714 3.117143 17.97714 0.5714286
# 3 8 15.10000 353.1000 209.21429 3.229286 3.999214 16.77214 0.0000000
# # ... with 43 more variables: ...
It just remains for us to reshape the dataframe to get it into our desired form:
s <- gather(s, key, value, -cyl)
s <- separate(s, key, c("variable", "stat"))
d.combined <- spread(s, key = stat, value = value)
# # A tibble: 30 × 7
# cyl variable max mean median min sd
# * <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 4 am 1.00 0.7272727 1.00 0.000 0.4670994
# 2 4 carb 2.00 1.5454545 2.00 1.000 0.5222330
# 3 4 disp 146.70 105.1363636 108.00 71.100 26.8715937
# 4 4 drat 4.93 4.0709091 4.08 3.690 0.3654711
# 5 4 gear 5.00 4.0909091 4.00 3.000 0.5393599
# 6 4 hp 113.00 82.6363636 91.00 52.000 20.9345300
# 7 4 mpg 33.90 26.6636364 26.00 21.400 4.5098277
# 8 4 qsec 22.90 19.1372727 18.90 16.700 1.6824452
# 9 4 vs 1.00 0.9090909 1.00 0.000 0.3015113
# 10 4 wt 3.19 2.2857273 2.20 1.513 0.5695637
# # ... with 20 more rows