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SKTileSet tile variant access in code

I currently have a TileSet with two variants: Poison and NotPoison. I want these variants to react differently to being clicked, and I also want to iterate over individual rows and columns of my TileMap to count the number of "Poison" tiles in that row/column. I implemented it in this way because this tile type takes up a certain area of the tileMap. How can I access the specific variant in the code? Is it possible to alter the behavior between variants?


  • You can add userData in the Tileset, by clicking on the image Poison and creating a userData item with key and value e.g. 'isPoisonKey' with value 1 and dataType boolean. Then in your gameScene.swift code you can check if a tile has this userData.

    This example iterates through every column / row in a SKTileMapNode named background and prints to the debug console each time it finds a key isPoisonKey with a value of true

    var backgroundLayer: SKTileMapNode!
    override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
        guard let backgroundLayer = childNode(withName: "background") as? SKTileMapNode else {
            fatalError("Background node not loaded")
        self.backgroundLayer = backgroundLayer
        for row in 0..<self.backgroundLayer.numberOfRows {
            for column in 0..<self.backgroundLayer.numberOfColumns {
                let backgroundTile = self.backgroundLayer.tileDefinition(atColumn: column, row: row)
                let isPoison = backgroundTile?.userData?.value(forKey: "isPoisonKey")
                if let countNode = isPoison as? Bool {
                    // Code here
                    if countNode {