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Simple form collection_radio_buttons show items from record model

I want to display all the available types in radio buttons in order to click and select on of them

= f.collection_radio_buttons :type_id, Type.all, :label => "Available Types"

but I'm getting the following error wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 4..6)

How can I fix the collection_radio_buttons in order to get the correct number of arguments?


  • Here is the api doc on collection_radio_buttons:

    it definitely indicates you need at least 4 arguments (minimum): method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = {} You have provided 3 - a method :type_id a collection Type.all You've also provided options, but have missed the value_method and text_method That's what you need to add to make this work.

    What method will be called on each Type for the text/values of the select-options? Usually this is something like: :id (for value_method) and something like :name (for text_method)