I recently switched to Swift 3 and I got an error with the following line that I didn't get in swift 2. The layerClient call refers to the layerkit api, but the error seems to deal more with typing than the api. The error itself is "Expression Type 'Set' is ambiguous without more ".
layerClient.autodownloadMIMETypes = Set<NSObject>(arrayLiteral: "image/png")
I assume you're using this framework.
You don't need the <NSObject>
when creating the Set
. It can figure out with type it contains by the parameter you pass to the init method. Also autodownloadMIMETypes
type in swift would be Set<String>
which wouldnt match Set<NSObject>
. This should work.
layerClient.autodownloadMIMETypes = Set(arrayLiteral: "image/png")
Also, since Set
conforms to the ExpressibleByArrayLiteral
protocol, you should be able to just create it like an array.
layerClient.autodownloadMIMETypes = ["image/png"]