VirtualBox does not open and I'm confused.
I removed and re-installed VirtualBox but VirtualBox is still not open.
I enabled Compatibility mode and tried. It had all options but it does not work at all!!
Also when I re-installed VirtualBox I saw this warning:
Cannot rename this connection. A connection with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different name.
1.Click Start, click Run, type cmd.exe, and then press ENTER.
2.Type set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1, and then press ENTER.
3.Type Start DEVMGMT.MSC, and then press ENTER.
4.Click View, and then click Show Hidden Devices.
5.Expand the Network Adapters tree.
6.Right-click the dimmed network adapter, and then click Uninstall