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Sublime text HTMLPrettify - disable formatting *.min.* files

I am using HTMLPrettify with formatting set to "on save". Everytime I open and change the contents of a minified file, the package simply expands it and formats it the way it has to be, but that is not what I want. I want to exclude all files that have .min. in their extensions, so they can remain minified on save.

How can I do this?

SOLUTION: As MattDMo explained in his solution, there is no setting comming out of the box for this HTMLPrettify package.


  • There is no setting to do this. However, if you feel comfortable editing the plugin's code, you can do the following. Select Preferences → Browse Packages… to open your Packages folder in your operating system's file manager. Navigate to the HTMLPrettify folder and open in Sublime.

    Go to line 22, which should be a comment on the very first line of the run method in the HtmlprettifyCommand class. Put your cursor just before the # symbol and hit Enter a few times to insert some blank lines. Then, go back to the very beginning of first blank line (not the indented beginning, the very beginning of the line) and insert the following code (the indentation should already be correct):

        from os.path import split
          if ".min." in split(self.view.file_name())[1]:
        except TypeError:

    Save the file, and the plugin should reload automatically. You can always restart Sublime to make sure. To explain the code: first we import os.path.split(), which separates the filename from the rest of the path. Next, we try to see if the string .min. is in the filename (os.path.split() returns a 2-part tuple containing the full path at the 0 index, and the filename at the 1 index). If it is, we return the method, ensuring that it does nothing else. If the string is not found, the code just continues on like normal. A TypeError exception may be raised by split() if self.view.file_name() doesn't contain anything, which would be the case if you're working in an unnamed buffer. If the TypeError does occur, we catch it and pass, as it means there is no .min. in the filename.


    With this change, the plugin will no longer work on any minified file with .min. in the filename, even if you want to un-minify it. You'll either have to copy the contents to a blank buffer or rename the file first.

    Good luck!