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Web Component Tester: Accessing the DOM

I have hundreds of Polymer test suites. At the end of each test, I'd like to access the DOM to do some custom quality checks.

Would writing a wct plugin work? If so, how should I access the DOM from within a plugin?

Thanks in advance!


  • No plugin necessary. You could already access the DOM of the test fixture with the native DOM APIs (e.g., el.querySelector()) or with Polymer instance methods (e.g., el.$$() or el.getEffectiveChildren()). I verified this with Shady and Shadow DOMs on Chrome 53 and 56.

    This example adds a couple DOM-related assertions to afterEach(), which runs after every test:

    <test-fixture id="basic">
      describe('my-app', function() {
        var el;
        beforeEach(function() {
          el = fixture('basic');
        afterEach(function() {
        it('instantiating the el works', function() {