I'm developing a cardboard app. In my app I want to play a 360 youtube video, I want it to go straight to VR mode so the user doesn't have to remove their headset.
I don't mind whether this video is embedded in my app or opens the youtube app, but I need it go directly into VR mode with no non-VR interaction.
I've looked into doing the following:
Is this possible?
I ended up using DASH with exoplayer.
I grabbed the direct url like so:
String GET_VIDEO_INFO_URL = "http://www.youtube.com/get_video_info";
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("video_id", info.getId());
UrlUtils.HttpURLRequest request = new UrlUtils.HttpURLRequest(GET_VIDEO_INFO_URL, "GET", params);
String response = request.execute();
if(response != null) {
Bundle urlParams = UrlUtils.decodeUrl(response);
String manifest_url = urlParams.getString("dashmpd", null);
Then I use exoplayer to render the dash stream to a texture as explained here.