I am attempting to add multiple values to a SQL Server database using VB.NET.
I have included the following namespaces:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe
On start-up, I have declared the SQL connection:
con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=""G:\Program\X\Database1.mdf"";Integrated Security=True"
I have created a VB Windows Form that enables the user to add, edit and remove questions for a Question Paper.
When the user clicks the "Save Questions" Button, the questions are saved a .txt file.
This should then call the InsertQuestion
Sub InsertQuestion(ByVal con As SqlConnection)
Using con
Dim command As New SqlCommand(("INSERT INTO Table VALUES('" & Collection(0).Question & "','" & Collection(0).Answer & "','" & Collection(0).Type & "','" & Collection(0).Mark & "')'"), con)
End Using
End Sub
This should add this data to the table. The table has five columns - ID, Question, Answer, Type, Mark. ID is the number of the question, which is set to auto-increment.
From the first element of the array, Question from index(0) should be added to column 2 (under Question), Answer from index(0) should be added to column 3 (under Answer)...and so forth.
However, when the program is run, and the user clicks "Save Questions", an error occurs:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Additional information: Operator '&' is not defined for string "INSERT INTO QuestionTable VALUES" and type 'RuntimeType'.
I thus, would greatly appreciate advice on how I would go about fixing this command/code to enable the data to be added to the table.
Additionally, how would I go about adding further questions to the table from index 1 and ect...
Many thanks.
As mentioned in the comments, creating a parameterized command can avoid errors in SQL statements.
Also, answering your other question, creating a transaction is a way of inserting to the database many values at a time:
Sub InsertQuestion(ByVal con As SqlConnection)
Using con
Dim command As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Table VALUES(@Question, @Answer, @Type, @Mark)", con)
command.Parameters.Add("@Question", YourType)
command.Parameters.Add("@Answer", YourType)
command.Parameters.Add("@Type", YourType)
command.Parameters.Add("@Mark", YourType)
command.Transaction = command.Connection.BeginTransaction
For i = 0 To Collection.Count - 1
command.Parameters("@Question").Value = Collection(i).Question
command.Parameters("@Answer").Value = Collection(i).Answer
command.Parameters("@Type").Value = Collection(i).Type
command.Parameters("@Mark").Value = Collection(i).Mark
End Using
End Sub