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Xpages - Dominoview return all values if user in getRoles()

The code below filters data in a view.

The else statement is working fine, it basically returns values for the particular user, but the if statement is where the issue is; as I want admin users to be able to view all views/records from the database.

While the if statement works, it only returns views/records for the first user, but I want it to return views for all users if the user has the Role('[Admin]').

Your help will be appreciated!

<xp:dominoView var="users" viewName="userView" keysExactMatch="true">
    <xp:this.keys><![CDATA[#{javascript:var fullName = context.getUser().getFullName();
    var users:NotesView = database.getView("userView");
    var entryCol:NotesViewEntryCollection = users.getAllEntries();
    var doc:NotesDocument = users.getFirstDocument();
    var columnValues = [];
    while(doc != null){
        columnValues.push( doc.getItemValueString("CreatedBy") );
        doc = entryCol.getNextEntry();
        return columnValues;

     return fullName;


  • Return an empty value return "" for the [Admin] people. This will not set the keys property and deliver all entries in view.

    Your code would look like this then:

    <xp:dominoView var="users" viewName="userView" keysExactMatch="true">
                 return "";
             } else {
                 return context.getUser().getFullName();