I'm currently reading C++ Concurrency in Action book by Anthony Williams and there are several lock free data structures implementations. In the forward of the chapter about lock free data structures in the book Anthony is writing:
This brings us to another downside of lock-free and wait-free code: although it can increase the potential for concurrency of operations on a data structure and reduce the time an individual thread spends waiting, it may well decrease overall performance.
And indeed I tested all lock free stack implementations described in the book against lock based implementation from one of the previous chapters. And it seems the performance of lock free code is always lower than the lock based stack.
In what circumstances lock free data structure are more optimal and must be preferred?
One benefit of lock-free structures is that they do not require context switch. However, in modern systems, uncontended locks are also context-switch free. To benefit (performance-wise) from lock-free algo, several conditions have to be met: