So I'm developing an API in Rails and using Jena Fuseki to store triples, and right now I'm trying to perform an INSERT in a named graph. The query is correct, since I ran it on Jena and worked perfectly. However, no matter what I do when using the Rails CLI, I keep getting the same error message:
SPARQL::Client::MalformedQuery: Error 400: SPARQL Update: No 'update=' parameter
I've created a method that takes the parameters of the object I'm trying to insert, and specified the graph where I want them.
def self.insert_taxon(uri, label, comment, subclass_of)
endpoint ="")
query =
"PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
prefix gpc:<>
prefix tk: <>
GRAPH <> {
<#{uri}> a owl:Class.
<#{uri}> rdfs:label '#{label}'@es .
<#{uri}> rdfs:comment '#{comment}' .
<#{uri}> rdfs:subClassOf <#{subclass_of}> .
resultset = endpoint.query(query)
As you can see, I'm using the UPDATE endpoint. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
Well... Instead of endpoint.query, I tried
resultset = endpoint.update(query)
and worked. Method returned
and the data is showing up in my database and graph. Hope this helps anyone with the same problem.