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Set the base URI when loading triples using Jena tdbloader

I would like to set the base url when I load data into Fuseki using tdbloader or tdbloader2. Currently the local path is used as base, which is not what I want. Example:

# mytriple.ttl

@prefix owl: <> .
<#myitem> a owl:Thing .

./tdbloader --loc /path/to/database /path/to/local/file/mytriple.ttl

# sparql query example

PREFIX rdf: <>    
PREFIX owl: <>
SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object
  ?subject ?predicate ?object .
  ?subject a owl:Thing .

Query result:

<file:///path/to/local/file/mytriple.ttl#myitem> rdf:type owl:Thing

This is (1) not very clean to have in the database and (2) it leads to maintainability issues when I want to query a specific item when the base needs to be specified:

PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object
  ?subject a owl:Thing .
  <file:///path/to/local/file/mytriple.ttl#myitem> ?predicate ?object .


PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
BASE <file:///path/to/local/file/mytriple.ttl>
SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object
  ?subject a owl:Thing .
  <#myitem> ?predicate ?object .

How can I specify a different base in tdbloader, for example <mydomain:myontology#>?


  • Put in a BASE or @base statement into the data. That way the data is stable - it will provide the same triples when used anywhere.

    Or to avoid editing the file is:

    cat "MyBase.ttl" "MyData.ttl" > D.ttl 
    tdbloader --loc DB D.ttl