Search code examples

Retrieving Keys From GeoFire within Radius in Swift

I have the following Firebase Database JSON data structure:

  "Post List" : {
    "-KUlvg8mCEGfY5ZSKCou" : {
      "addedByUser" : "7llQbPdy2NV7aO337h7ap0qLOhC3",
      "content" : "Post1",
      "cost" : "$450",
      "duration" : "Daily",
      "latitude" : "25.0879721592719",
      "longitude" : "55.1487715855458",
      "number" : "01234567890",
      "timestamp" : "Posted on: Sun 23 Oct"
  "Post Locations" : {
    "-KUlvg8mCEGfY5ZSKCou" : {
      ".priority" : "thrnwznh58",
      "g" : "thrnwznh58",
      "l" : [ 25.0879721592719, 55.1487715855458 ]
  "User Locations" : {
    "7llQbPdy2NV7aO337h7ap0qLOhC3" : {
      ".priority" : "thrnwypqu9",
      "g" : "thrnwypqu9",
      "l" : [ 25.0829547120321, 55.1505315855337 ]

I am looking to have a GeoFire query which will return all the keys [FIRAutoID's] within a radius of 1KM, for e.g. of "User Locations" these Posts are static and once the user location is set it will also be fixed. From the radius query result I am expecting to return "-KUlvg8mCEGfY5ZSKCou" so I can then make a reference the Post Details. Hope this makes sense. Many thanks, D. Cant find much online about GeoFire... looks like its still in the initial stages?...


  • Figured it out

    func geoFireQuery() {
            let circleQuery = geoFire.query(at: self.myLocation, withRadius: 0.5)
            _ = circleQuery!.observe(.keyEntered, with: { (key: String?, location: CLLocation?) in
            print (key!)
            print("All initial data has been loaded and events have been fired!")

    this seems to be giving me what I need. Now to reference those keys to the other part of the FBDB. :)