If I change any osgi configuration in felix web console it will be saved under path apps/system/config by default. How can we change this location?
If I change the osgi configuration (modified a property or added new a property ) for a PID after creating sling:OsgiConfig type node under /apps/my-project/config . These changes will be synced to apps/system/config and vice versa?
After modification either by any of two methods, finally the configuration stored under both locations(i.e apps/system/config and /apps/my-project/config/xxxx (of node type sling:OsgiConfig)) will be same?
AEM won't ever sync that for you.
To make it work properly you have to create the config under your custom location /apps/my-project/config
prior to making any changes in configMgr. Only then the changes made in configMgr will be reflected in that custom directory because the OSGI will bind the config properly to your /apps/my-project/config.
If you make changes in configMgr prior to creating this your custom /apps/my-project/config
then the config will be bound to /apps/system/config and you're doomed. you need to delete in crx/de the related files from /apps/system/config
You might also need to delete the related config in crx-quickstart:
\crx-quickstart\launchpad\config\..some further path
and restart the instance. numerous times in combination with previous steps.