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Angular2 innerHtml binding breaks data binding

I am trying to bind to innerHtml while keeping data binding. This does not work (outputs {{myVar}}).

  selector: "test",
  template: `
    <div [innerHtml]="myHtml"></div>
export class TestComponent{
  title = "My Title";
  myHtml: SafeHtml;

  constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer){
    this.myHtml = sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml("<h1>{{title}}</h1>");

In my real app, myHtml is the content of an SVG file (which is why I need to bypassSecurityTrustHtml) and often changes, so that I cannot put it in my template (it could come from 20 different SVG files).

If there was a way to dynamically set the templateUrl for the component, it would also solve my problem, but after searching for quite a while it does not seem possible.


  • Angular2 doesn't process HTML added dynamically, therefore {{}}, [], (), ... isn't supposed to work. Also no components or directives are created, even when HTML added this way matches their selectors.

    Only markup added statically to components template are processed.

    Equivalent of $compile in Angular 2 demonstrates an approach if you really need it.