I am doing a JavaFx
project connected to Documentum
data source . lets say I have a set of groups : group1 , group2 , group3
How can I query all the acl_names
from dm_acl
who has only and exactly
these groups as their r_acceesor_name
. For example using the following query I can get the r_accessor_name of a specific acl:
select r_acceessor_name from dm_acl where object_name = 'My_acl_name' enable (row_based)
and the output is :
But what I want to do is the reverse of this .I've tried the following query :
select object_name from dm_acl where r_accessor_name = 'group1' or r_accessor_name = 'group2' or r_accessor_name = 'group3' enable (row_based)
But the problem with the output is that it's too general which makes sense because of keyword OR
then I tried this :
select object_name from dm_acl where r_accessor_name = 'group1' and r_accessor_name = 'group2' and r_accessor_name = 'group3' enable (row_based)
which is too specific ==> zero output
You confused yourself more than you can think of.
Every ACL object has at least two entries: dm_owner
and dm_world
where first represents repository owner and the last represents every user in repository.
Because of it your objective
... all the acl_names
from dm_acl
who has only and exactly these groups ...
cannot be achieved. However, beside this, your query
SELECT object_name FROM dm_acl
WHERE r_accessor_name = 'group1'
AND r_accessor_name = 'group2'
AND r_accessor_name = 'group3'
is the best you can get. Your problem is that you really don't have ACL in your repository that contains at least these 3 groups. This leads you to the your initial question: either you made wrong presumption either you tried to too much to generalize your question that you've omitted the important part of it. ;)