I am having problems with tortoiseSVN and Subversion. Process is as follows:
It seems to me as follows:
The initial commit has partially succeeded, despite the error. As a result, the file is out of date when I try to commit a second time.
However, there is clearly something else wrong: checking out a new working copy, this time on PC A, shows that the changes to the file WERE committed. I can then make changes and commit them without problems. Note that the Repository is on PC A. So working copies on PC A seem to work fine.
The peer to peer network also appears to be working fine.
So I really don't know what to do. We need two people working on this website so we need version control.
Any help appreciated. I am now at the pie eyed stage where I really don't know what to try next.
This sounds like a tree conflict, which are well described on Resolving Conflicts.