I am facing a strange problem. I have created a normal ext-gwt grid with two columns. One column displays a number and the other renders a ToggleButton. As soon as the ToggleButton gets pressed a small window appears with: 1- a textfield (to enter a number), 2- an ok button. When the ok button is pressed the column containing the number should change it's value to the value given in the small window's textfield. This is the final picture I want to have. Easy! right?
The problem comes now. This is what is executed when the ok button is pressed in order to change the value in the column:
Integer value = new Integer(10);
Record record = store.getRecord(bean);
record.set("employeeNumber", value);
Although the value is actually changed using this code, it makes something weird. The ToggleButton remains in the "un-pressed" state whenever this code is executed. If I remove the last line, the ToggleButton functions normally again (gets pressed).
Any idea how to solve the problem of the ToggleButton?
Thank you
So you want the toggle button to change state after setting the value, right? How do you get the toggle button into the grid? I assume by using a custom widget renderer? In this case the render(..) method will be called more than once, returning a fresh and un-toggled button each time which will be displayed...
Maybe you could post some more code...?