I've had some snippets on JSFiddle for some blog posts using TypeScript, but some of them have stopped working.
Specifically it's when I use the fat arrow notation for function definitions. It have been working before, so maybe I need to set some options on JSFiddle?
Here is a simple example: https://jsfiddle.net/CaveOfCode/3wdme693/1/ With the following snippet:
const fatArrow = () => console.log("fatArrow");
const functionKeyword = function() { console.log("functionKeyword"); };
The fatArrow
throws the error.
VM111:2 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Their TypeScript integration is broken as you can see on the console
Worth contacting them through different channels : http://doc.jsfiddle.net/meta/channels.html
Your code is correct (as you probably know).