So I want to create a single page portfolio, and I want to set anchor points so users can click on the nav bar and it jumps to the specific section of the page. So far I have this to set my anchor point:
<%= link_to "Code Snippets", anchor: "code_snippets" %>
<%= link_to "See My Web Apps", anchor: "web_apps" %>
<%= link_to "Contact Me", anchor: "contact" %>
<%= link_to "Resume", anchor: "Resume" %>
I dont know if this is the right syntax, but this is what I have found online so far...
Now, how do I call these anchor points, so my page jumps to the relevant information when the user clicks the link? Thanks in advance!
Just need to add the html below to jump to the anchor point when you click.
<a name="Results"></a>
<div id="Results"></div>